Dueling CodePens: Vanilla JS vs. Vue

// Comparing what it's like to build basic forum moderation functionality in Vanilla JavaScript vs. Vue 3.


I was checking out a company that specialized in community forum software, and I opened up CodePen to get into the headspace of a forum builder.

I had been looking for an excuse to see how much faster I could build something in Vue than in Vanilla JS, and so I decided to build a small example of a forum thread, from the point of view of a moderator.

In total, I completed the Vue version about 4 times faster than the Vanilla JavaScript version. Granted, I was able to reuse most of my functions, but even still, it was significantly simpler.

When the user takes an action -- pin, delete, or flag posts -- this updates the data in the posts database (aka memory, just for ease of use). In JavaScript, I set up event listeners for each of those actions, which triggered a series of functions: update the data, construct the HTML template for each post, construct the HTML for the list of posts, split into pinned vs. unpinned posts, and then update the DOM.

With Vue, this was much simpler. I used Vue's data binding to connect my HTML elements to their underlying data, and then declared that data to be reactive in my script. After adding a couple of computed arrays which derived from my reactive data, everything was easy. I simply used functions to change my data, and then Vue worked its magic to update the underlying data and render the UI.

You can check out each version here: